Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday visiting

Sunday, 10 December

Another busy day for Beatrice - but first we had to start the day with a little monkey-time. She likes to do this after eating. I pick her up to burp her, and she completely curls up and nuzzles into my chest or neck. She'll often peer up at me from this position. It's so cute, I can barely stand it. Zack and Beatrice also played for a bit, and he had fun dressing her up in his "new" A's hat I found at the second hand shop down the street. Poor girl, we do have fun with her.

Then once we were all clean and ready to go, we ventured out to Panzer's to pick up food for our big Sunday dinner. Yes, we dressed her up like an elf!

In the afternoon, Beatrice's friend Callia came to visit with her mom Elaina and give Beatrice the cutest little jacket (it has ears!). And Jane and Paolo stopped by with (more) treats for the adults. Later Jas and John joined us for Zack's amazing rack of lamb with all the trimmings. Yummmm. Unfortunately it was all a bit much for Beatrice and she fuss-budgeted her way through the meal. Finally, after all had left and we had wrangled our little one to bed, we decorated our Christmas tree. Then it hit us - now that we're parents...we need to get cracking on Santa presents!

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