Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Boxing Day

Tuesday, 26 December

As we're still not entirely sure what one is supposed to do on Boxing Day (I got curious, so I googled -, we spent the day doing what we could - which primarily consisted of organizing all the new presents, reading, watching TV, and eating ham and cheese galore.

Beatrice started the day by watching her Daddy put together her new changing table from IKEA. At one point Zack was behind it out of her line of sight, and she started looking around, moving her head, trying to find him. It was very cute. She really likes her new changing table, and all of our backs love it! Zack hung her mobile above the table, but Beatrice hasn't noticed it quite yet, though she does seem to like the little garbage basket on the table.

Beatrice also "talked" to us today. She and Grandma Elizabeth were sitting in the rocking chair and I thought the chair was just squeaking more than normal - nope, it was little Beatrice talking away. Mama, Beatrice's Great-Grandmother, said she had a dream that she was holding Beatrice and talking to her and Beatrice suddenly talked back to her, quite surprisingly. Luckily for all of us the "talking" we heard today was only coo's, squeaks and a few grunts.

Mom and I spent much of the afternoon organizing Beatrice's clothes. The child has more clothes than Madonna! Luckily for us (given our lack of closet/storage space in London), she's already outgrown much of it. We decided that when she hits the 3-6 month clothes I won't need to do any wash - she can just wear a new outfit each day and we can throw it away at the end of the day! (This is a picture of HALF of her clothes)

At the end of the day we had to say a tearful goodbye to Grandma Elizabeth and Granddaddy Bill and Uncle Graham as they were leaving at the crack of dawn the next day. It was very sad to see them go, but so wonderful and special to have them all here for Christmas. Beatrice will certainly miss them!

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