Sunday, December 10, 2006

Busy Saturday

Saturday, 9 December

Another wonderful night's rest...with Beatrice sleeping 4-5 hours in a row through the night. In the morning we puttered around the house. A little dancing, a little singing, a little diaper changing, etc. Then Ryan, Beatrice and I walked through Regent's Park and met Zack on Marylebone High Street for a little touring. After a brief stop at The Ginger Pig (,,1410052,00.html) to pick up a rack of lamb for our Sunday lunch, we were off visiting!

Small detour when our car wouldn't start (damn car), so we taxied it over to our first stop - Jennifer and Jason's flat in Notting Hill. I work with Jennifer, and as she and Jason are off to India for 3 weeks, they kindly lent us their flat so that Ryan doesn't have to listen to Beatrice cry all night. Such good midwestern folk - they even have a cutting board in the shape of Michigan (and an oven mitt and...)

After a nice visit with them we walked/strollered our way over to John & Jasandra's, cleverly averting Portabello Road Market. They are lending us their place over Christmas for my parents and brother. They're off to South Africa for a few weeks - lucky dogs. Beatrice mightly enjoyed her visit with them, sleeping contentedly the entire time.
After we left Jas & John's we went out to dinner - Beatrice's first dinner out! Well, she didn't eat, but her mama did! Burger, fries, and a milkshake from the Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Yumm. And when we got back home Beatrice's little friend Lara stopped over to visit with her parents Juan Pablo and Ani. They are off to Argentina on Monday until late January, but we have play dates set up for after that. It was amazing to see Lara - she has grown so much since we last saw her at 5 weeks old. Now at 3 months, she looks like a little girl and not so much like a baby. Just think how big Beatrice will be in two and half months time!

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