Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Not hungry, not tired, just...

Tuesday, 12 December

...being a baby. Ok, I'll admit it - today was tough. Very tough. The morning was fine - Ryan left for a 4 day trip to Edinburgh, Beatrice and I strolled around the block a few hundred times while our car was fixed (turns out it was due to bad spark plugs and no oil), and then Beatrice napped while I ran errands on the High Street. See the adorable knee socks I bought her to match her polka dot outfit!
Oh but the afternoon...good grief. Crying and fussing like you wouldn't believe. You'd have thought I was torturing her, poor thing. See in the photo above - doesn't she just look mad? I got those eyes all afternoon. No more angelic sleeping for her - it was straight from screaming to fussing with droopy eyes to dead asleep (until you tried to put her down). Thank goodness Zack came home and had some more success with her than I was having.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for Miss Beatrice...

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