Friday, December 8, 2006

Ryan's Annual Visit

Friday, 8 December

Busy morning to start the day, with visits by the Nurse Midwife and the Visiting Health Nurse. Unfortunately Beatrice seems to be holding her weight constant at 8lbs, much to the disappointment of her father who wanted her to break his record weight gain (17lbs at 2months!). However, I think for her to do that she'd need a different mother (I weighted 18lbs at a year). Still, looks like we may have to force feed her a bit more by waking her up (ha, ha, ha...hysterical laughter)

Ryan also arrived fresh from Heathrow and an overnight flight from San Francisco this morning. He has visited us every year we've been here now - four Decembers in a row. We keep telling him the summer is much nicer (not so much rain, daylight for more than 6 hours a day, warmth, etc), but he keeps coming in December! Beatrice certainly enjoyed meeting him and showed off all of her skills within the first few hours - poonami, waiting to pee until Zack is changing her, spitting up and wrapping 3 adults around her little finger.

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