Thursday, August 27, 2009


We've played a lot of "airport" since we got back. "Mommy, take your shoes off for security!"

All in all, it's been a relatively smooth transition back into 'normal' for us after vacation. Though Beatrice has had her moments. The other evening turned out to be one of them. A doozy of one.
Me (after her 8th meltdown): "Who do you want to read to you tonight?"
Beatrice (in sing-song): "My-Daddy, he's-my-favorite"
Another evening Zach and I traded off getting her to bed duties; we were essentially just watching each other so that Child Protective Services didn't need to be called. 45 minutes of screaming and crying until 9:30pm, then up from 11:30-1:30. Ugh.
On the bright side, Beatrice has been having a fantastic time with Jessica. They've played and gone to the market and to the library. Beatrice still misses Sarah B, but she did get to see her (and Becky!) this weekend on Saturday for the afternoon and dinner. We convinced them to stay and see us over dinner too. It's amazing what Zachary's Pizza can do for luring guests.
But she's definitely readjusting - to Mommy and Daddy working again and Sarah not being here and not having a minimum of 5 adults watching her every move, as she had in Georgia! Or maybe she's just being two and a half.
Luckily she's pretty adorable, even in the midst of her two-year old tantrums. Especially since she insists on wearing her new overalls every day.

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