Friday, August 14, 2009


Grandma Wibbs: "Beatrice, how would you like to have breakfast with Mama & Dada?"
Beatrice: "That would be perfect"
The whole trip was perfect, according to Beatrice. So what did we do exactly? Lots of reading (below: Wall Street Journal, GA paper, and US Weekly - the full spectrum)
Lots of eating, drinking "Cocktail time!", and napping
Beatrice also had fun reciting everyone's names and then saying, "They my family". I love the pictures of Beatrice and Dada - first she was sucking her thumb and then Dada sucked his. Beatrice thought this was HILARIOUS. We have looked at these two pictures a thousand times already and laughed.
And, of course, watching the ants carry off a chip we dropped. Seriously. This kept us busy for at least 20 minutes.
Other things we learned/remembered:
* Georgia is HOT in August, especially if you're pregnant.
* Skinny dipping is fun.
* "Thunder - clouds go clap clap BOOM!"
* Beatrice loves being wrapped up like a burrito, with "beans, cheese, gaucamole, rice, salsa and BEATRICE!"

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