Sunday, March 25, 2007

Busy Weekend

Beatrice had a ver busy weekend. After an early start on Saturday, she inspired us to look at photo albums, rotate her toys (again), and ...

...FILE! Beatrice oversaw the entire operation, except for a few management-naps breaks.

We also all went out to brunch on Saturday at Carluccio's with Cristina, Christer & Sofia, and Karina & Diego. And Beatrice wore a dress! Christer & Cristina (Sofia's parents) took lots of good photos of the girls in their finery, so hopefully I can post those soon.

Then we had a visit from Emerson, Emma & Felix. Hard to believe Felix is already 13 months old!

After all of the visitors Beatrice was a little overwhelmed, but luckily Aunt Jasandra came by for dinner and Beatrice was HAPPY again! They nose-kissed, a favorite activity of Queen Bea's, for quite a while.

On Sunday...we filed and filed and filed. By then management (Beatrice) was bored, so we had to supplement with other activities.

In the late afternoon we made good use of our annual zoo passes and went to see the wild animals: vultures, giraffes, and sleeping babies.

Beatrice did wake-up to see a few animals. Though she didn't even notice the lions (they noticed her), she was entranced by the fighting, prancing donkeys.

We also got to see my new favorite sign in London:


justfordaddy said...

Looks like you guys have so much fun.... well you always will be the 'fun American couple'. Thank you for the info on the flight, I cant tell you how good it is to hear something positive! I have been getting worried!

justfordaddy said...

Oh its JO.... I used the wrong blog to sign in with - silly me... I used deric's.