Burak & Lale visited in the morning and brought Beatrice some very pretty tulips. Beatrice found them very entertaining and played "angel baby" the whole time they were here.
After they left Beatrice slept and slept, so her parents had a great time NOT holding her for a while!
In the afternoon we tried to take Beatrice to the pub for a late lunch (would have been her first pub trip!), but alas...no food was being served, so we went to a little place around the corner instead. Soon she'll get to the pub - otherwise we can't say she's really living in England! She was very stylish though in her aubergine/eggplant hat that Ayyana knit for her.
Saturday night was a wild party night for us all. We watched as Beatrice tracked objects with her eyes. She is in love with her bees over her changing table, as well as the Christmas tree. In the evening was the first time I was nursing her and felt that she was really looking at me. Keeping a watchful eye out so that I didn't take her dinner away too early! Zack and Beatrice also had fun in the evening playing dress up. This little girl is going to be wearing knee socks until she can fight him on it. She now has two pairs - one pink and one polka dotted. Zack loves them!

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