Monday, December 4, 2006

The first week - Part 4

The Weekend
Saturday we spent around the house, getting out only for a few errands. We mostly just sat around and looked at Beatrice in her various states of being - sleeping, crying, alert. We have both started to sing to Beatrice (poor child) as we comfort her or change her. Zack's songs are the best though - "Beatrice, Beatrice, you are such a Poop, Poop-the-Pooper Beatrice". I'm trying to get that nickname not to stick for her sake. Better than Pee-atrice I suppose...
Sunday was a big day - Beatrice had her first visitors and we went for a walk in Regent's Park! The weather was fantastic for our walk. Labor actually started in Regent's Park one week earlier when I walked with Zack to work Monday morning, so it was nice to go through the park and know that I didn't have to go through labor again anytime soon!! Zack kept saying, "But see what you got out of it??"
Chuck and Andi visited us and brought over coffee (angels). Chuck is an LBS classmate, and he and Andi were over from Budapest visiting for the weekend. Zack and I visited him in February this year and got a fabulous tour of the city. A slightly different visit this Hawaiian cocktails or outdoor hot baths. He and Andi are moving to Bucharest soon, so we're hoping to get a visit in there sometime next year!
Aunt Jasandra and Uncle John also visited little Beatrice on Sunday and brought KRISPY KREME doughnuts (I love these two). Beatrice was enamored of them, of course, having spent a lot time with them over the past South Africa, Namibia, London, etc. She is anxiously awaiting Uncle John's first diaper change too.

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