Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas all year!

Thursday, 14 December

Look what we found under the Christmas tree! Our own little angel who LOVES to stare at the Christmas tree lights. So we may just have to have Christmas all year round. Luckily it is dark and dreary most days in December here in London, so even mid-morning the lights shine brightly for her.

Beatrice has also been entertaining (and frightening) us with her latest game - hand vs. face. In this particular game her hand will find and seem to attack her face - lots of eye gouging and scratching. Needless to say, she tries her best to get her face away from such an attack with lots of turning and twisting. But that hand is persistent. We try to help sometimes with cuddling and swadling. And keeping the nails on the offending hands short!

Zack stayed home in the morning, so we had a very relaxing start to the day. And then another long walk in the park for all of us walking Zack to work. In the afternoon - lots more tree time and resting. Beatrice has her first party tomorrow - the ZS Kids Christmas Party - so we have to rest up. Unfortunately she doesn't have a party dress (poor girl, I really thought she was going to be a boy!), so she may have to be an elf again unless I can get out in the morning to find something else on the High Street.

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