Angel-baby started the day rather early, so she was ready for some more rest by the time Zack was getting ready for work. She took a snooze in our bed for a change of pace. Unfortunately her diaper slipped down (we're new parents...), and so she also peed in our bed. Nice. At least it was only pee.
We spent most of the day out running errands, buying Christmas presents (online), and counting down the minutes until her grandparents Bill and Elizabeth arrive tomorrow! And it seems Beatrice spent her few sleeping hours GROWING. At least that is what Zack said when he got home this evening. She is definitely changing. Her bloodshot eyes have almost cleared up completely, and she does seem to be filling out. I'm not sure how soon we're going to need to move up to 3-6 month clothing, but all the 0-3 month clothing has been short on her from birth. I've certainly never faced this problem before! Thank goodness for her knee socks.
In the evening she started screaming again, though she did seem to like it when I danced with her and sang "Christmas in Dixie" by Alabama ( She must love me if she likes my singing. Either that or I scared her quiet.
After screaming time (very short tonight, thankfully!) she settled down and just watched us. Her eyesight is definitely improving - she watched me walk across the room from about 5 feet away, and she certainly seemed to be watching Zack while he made dinner. It is amazing seeing how much she has changed already, and she is only 3 weeks old!
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