Tuesday, July 24, 2007

She's a talker

Beatrice has been talking to us a lot lately. We don't know what she's saying, but she's been talking to us with gusto.
* "Dah Dah" is a favorite. Unfortunately she's not talking about Zack yet, just anything that comes into view is "Dah Dah...dah dah dah dah dah daaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Dah." She is however completely aware of what the word "Daddy" means. The minute I say it she starts looking around for him, and God help me if I've said it in jest and he's not going to be there in the next 10 seconds.
* squeals of all shapes and sizes, the longer/louder the better
* "Na na na na ba" with a few "aaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeyyyyyyy's" mixed in
* mouth smacking - she learned that one on the flight from London (and repeated it over and over for about 9 hours). It's the sound you make when right after you taste something really good and refreshing and right before you say, "Ahhhhh." Also a sound I'm pretty sure Nisa of the Ikung! people would make, for all of those of you who took Soc101 at Princeton.
* "Maaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeeeeeeee" - I hope this isn't "Mommy" because this is her sound for going from crying to screaming when she's unhappy.
* banging her hand on the table/highchair/her leg - ok, so this isn't "talking" per se, but I do think she's trying to communicate when she does this. If she's eating something she likes or sees food she wants, she starts banging her right hand down. I read it as, "More, more more!" Sometimes it's not food related either, just something she sees that she likes (such as other children). It's very cute, and something I do hope she grows out of.

Whatever she's saying at times, it must be funny because she often giggles after one of her speeches. Which just might be the cutest thing I have ever seen in my whole entire life.

1 comment:

Joanne and Deric said...

Golly Sarah, she is looking more and more like you everyday!!!