Saturday, July 21, 2007

Done, Done, Done

To Do:
* Find a place to live - Done
* Buy a car - Done
* Unpack - Done
We've been quite busy (and amazingly efficient) over the past 24 hours. We found a great place to live on the Mesa - 3 bedrooms (enough for us, Beatrice and YOU!), 2 bathrooms, a deck, a patio, 2 blocks from the beach (ok, with 270+ steps down to it), and only a few blocks in either direction from 2 great parks! Probable move-in date is early August.
And in true California style we're now the owners of a new Honda Civic hybrid. Supposedly 49/51 mpg!
Unpacking (at least of what little we have here) was easy by comparison, even with Beatrice "helping."
Beatrice has also been quite busy. Today she taught herself to sit up from laying flat on her stomach. She was so proud of herself! The only problem is that now getting her to stay down in her crib is a nightmare.
We're also realizing Santa Barbara is really a small town. We only "know" 3 families in this town. One is our future landlord. Another is our current landlord (vacation rental, whatever). The third Beatrice and I met randomly at a children's playground on Thursday. Well, today we ran into 2 of the 3! At the Farmer's Market downtown and at the Honda dealership. "Toto, I don't think we're in London anymore" I must work on posting photos...


Dahlia Karch said...

I just realized that you are about 100 miles away from San Luis Obispo...home of one of my all time favorite Sarah Owens roadtrip comments about settling down there after spending all of 5 minutes wandering the town. How close you are now!!!

Sarah Jarvis said...

This from a woman who said as we drove across California, "You know, if I were a cow, I'd want to be one of these cows."

Joanna Jarvis said...

I sure wanted to see the photos of the family together at Zack's
birthday, so I thank you so much for your coverage! Sorry that my
dad couldn't be there - he is decidedly weaker than he used to be,
but still brave and full of gusto on the phone, so you wouldn't know
what his daily energy level is.

The photo of Glen with Beatrice and Zack in his bathroom brought
tears to my eyes. I know how much the three of you mean to him and
it gives me a great deal of joy to see his face lit up that way.

Watching Beatrice grow (I check in a couple of times a week) has
bonded us. I feel a part of your little family and I sure will show
up to see the three of you some time in the future. Your humor is
very entertaining!

Love, Joanna