Not crawling yet, but her safe zone radius is growing daily. This is her rocking and reaching approach. The other one is to sit, lean as far forward as she can, then push a little with her feet and land on her nose. This second maneuver can either lead to crying (landing on your nose must hurt) or squeals of delight when she reaches her target. Just another week please Beatrice...
Beatrice has also been enjoying her new book from Callia - That's not my dolly. Fantastic read. Should be on everyone's summer reading list. [On a side note - it has been so COLD here lately. I can't get over it. I think because I grew up in Georgia that the idea that late June will be anything other than boiling HOT just doesn't compute in my brain. We're making due with layers, but seriously...where's summer??]
Finally, I've included some photos of Beatrice when she gets up from a nap. She's so cute - we'll go in and she will just writhe with delight. She's happy with her whole body. Quite a sight. Then we help her up to a sitting position where she takes stock of her surroundings. As so many things have been changing recently, she has to look all around her crib. Luckily all that stuff has stayed the same. She loves her Eleanor shrine best!
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