Today Beatrice woke up EARLY - 3:45am. Technically I'm not sure if 3:45am is early or late. Either way, she was up and talking at this ungodly hour. I let her be until almost 6am, but she was still very tired today. A bit fussy too, but the tiredness was very different. She would go limp and actually relax her entire little body. Normally she is in a perpetual state of exercise - stomach crunches, leg lifts, arm swings, etc. But at times today she would stick her thumb in her mouth and go very still, put her head on your shoulder and just lie still. It was very sweet actually. The picture above is of her resting this morning after a few hours with Grandma Elizabeth (she didn't take the bottle but I still got to sleep in!!).
Mama & Dada came over and we went to Frederica Cafe for lunch. Like Dada's shirt? "Old Guys Rule"! Beatrice enjoyed "sitting" at the table and eating the tablecloth.

After Beatrice's bedtime everyone came over for a BBQ at our house. Somehow she managed to get out of bed and join the party...

And tomorrow we head back to London! It will be very sad to leave, and scary as she and I will be traveling alone, but Zack will be picking us up at the airport on Saturday morning. Hooray, soon we'll be with Daddy again!
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