Zack, Beatrice, and I headed south from Atlanta to St Simons Island on Wednesday. Beatrice was not super excited by the 5 hours in the car, but she did really enjoy all of the rest stops. She even winked!

On St Simons we visited with lots of people - Melissa, Beatrice's great-aunt Nancy and great-uncle Lee (poor Nancy broke her knee skiing!), Jennifer & Joyce (I don't know why the photos won't rotate!!), and Paul & Miriam

We also spent a lot of time relaxing...letting Beatrice get used to SUNSHINE and warmth. She's been sock-less for days!

Which has led to a wonderful new discovery...Beatrice thinks her toes taste GOOD!

Though she still really, really wants to eat and drink everything we have...

Grandma Elizabeth and I have enjoyed dressing up Bea in the cute dresses Mom made for me. Of course I wore this dress at a year old and it fits Beatrice at 4.5 months!

On Saturday we finally made it to the beach for Beatrice's first taste of the ocean. Not actual 'taste' of course, though she did her best to get her mouth near the water. We only dipped toes on this visit! And tailgated with Uncle Graham on his new truck. Yee-haw.

Then we went to the village to hear Grandpa Bill play at Iguana's. Beatrice LOVED it! She immediately started talking and vocalizing. What was hilarious was that she continued to talk all afternoon and today as well. Zack and I woke up to her talking to herself. It was as if hearing Dad sing made her say to herself, "Oh ok, I can do this too." Blaeee, eeeoooiiii, aaaaaahhhhh, etc.

Graham, Melissa, Zack and I all went out to dinner to celebrate Graham's birthday...and the fact that Grandma Elizabeth was babysitting! Jennifer joined us for drinks afterwards. Like we needed more alcohol...

Unfortunately Zack had to head back to London today. Beatrice and I took him to the airport today. It was very sad. It will be Beatrice's first time away from her Daddy. Luckily I have pictures of him to show her until we see him on Saturday!

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