On the day before, the day before Christmas...we exchanged presents with Sarah B. We gave her new sweaters and took her out to "Bucks" for a coffee (Sarah B), tea (me) and "pecial milk" (B)
And Sarah B gave us presents! Z & I love ours - a night out! - and Bebe adores her doctor kit. (Don't ask about the hairbows...she insisted we both wear them)

I did however get a text from Sarah B that afternoon that said, "I can't wait for you to get home so B can have a new patient. I'm beginning to regret the doctor career!"

I did however get a text from Sarah B that afternoon that said, "I can't wait for you to get home so B can have a new patient. I'm beginning to regret the doctor career!"
Dr Jarvis has been taking blood pressure, giving shots, listening to hearts, applying bandaids, and looking into ears all day! She can't wait to trade secrets with Aunt Megan.
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