Beatrice has about 85 words...give or take a few. Or given how you count (according to Sarah B, Zack and I are a bit more generous as to what counts as a 'word')
In no particular order, the most common words are:
BeBe (Beatrice), Momma, Daiiiieeee (Daddy), WaWa (water), tsu (zoo), sit, eat eat eat (counts as one), mo (more), home, cheeeeeese, two, sfon (phone), hi!, hot, nap, stuck, pider (spider), bee (bugs), wow, ni-ni (night), icee (icee pop), boom! (ka-boom), Sawah (Sarah B), sim (swim)

Other words, also in no particular order
Elmo, in, out, cup, poon (spoon), pool, ham, eye, nose, sue (shoe), pen, come, poo poo, pee pee, poop, bits, jean (jeans), bye bye, car, seat, egg, knee, ball, bite, ice, no, done, Gwanma (Grandma Elizabeth), Gwam (Graham), Gwandad (Granddaddy Bill), Mama, Dada, Gwanna (Grandma Mary Ann), Jane, Gwanpa (Grandpa Glen whispered in a bizarre 'redrum' guttural sort of voice), eyebrow, sheep, Kate, Elnor (Eleanor), Anna, Colb Colb (Colby), Mae Mae (Megan), peas (please), backbear (blackberry), Gabey (Gabe Chaine), rah...(as in Rock-a-bye baby), Teddy, ri-ri (ride), goob (good), dip dip, weed (read), ap (apple), oc (ocean), par (park), shoon (soon), top, house, crow, cahf cahf (coffee), arm, baby, Mimi (applies to all kitties), hand, Eee (Ian), Mah (Maci dog), pine (pinecone)
I'm sure there are others we're forgetting, but that about covers it. It would definitely be over 100 if Sarah B let us count animal sounds or the other various grunts that mean something in Bea's own language...but she assures us that is cheating. So we won't count the cow's moo, sheep's baa, chicken's boick, turkey's gobble, dog's woof, cat's meow, etc.
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