It seems we have a toddler now. It's sort of snuck up on us, but Zack and I agree our little Beatrice has left babyhood behind. She's a full fledged toddler now.
Really and truly, it feels like she just woke up the other day and decided not to be a baby anymore. I can't quite put my finger on what is so different. Maybe it's the overwhelming personality. Maybe it's that I can understand about 90% of what she says/communicates/moos. Maybe it's the hair. Maybe it's the fact those stomach muscles are coming in and that beautiful round baby belly is shrinking (so sad). Maybe it's that she looks HUGE in her crib. Maybe it's the few hissy fits she's thrown that are giving us a preview into the next few years. I don't know what it is exactly, but I love it.
We ran into Ian today and Beatrice, after pointing at him and saying "Ee...Ee", asked "Mah? Mah?" So Laina and Ian brought Mac and Billy dogs over to the house. Beatrice loved it. From a distance.
Beatrice also had a playdate today with Kate. At Kate's house. Such a big deal. They actually really played together (and Beatrice ate her out of house and home). I loved being able to see her go off on her own and interact with Kate. Maybe that's the difference - she doesn't need Zack or me every minute now. She's a toddler after all. I'm just glad she still likes arm hugs and kissing.
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