We spent the long weekend in Oakland - celebrating Grandpa Glen's birthday, Grandma Mary Ann's birthday, and Ari's birthday. It was Sarah B's birthday over the weekend too. Birthdays galore!
Plus Beatrice got to see Eleanor ("Eh!") and Anna ("yeah"). She was in heaven.
Rub a dub dub...three girls in the tub.
We also made it up to the Tilden Steamtrains. Beatrice wasn't entirely sure about parts of the ride, but once we got off, she was quite happy. We heard "hoo hoo" the rest of the weekend.
Beatrice enjoyed her Grandma Mary Ann's and Ari's joint birthday party immensely.
At the end of the night I found Beatrice stuffing lettuce into Pam's mouth as fast as she could. Don't ask. It was fun.
On Monday we Skyped with Eleanor and Eric who are in France at Alexis and Amy's. Very cool. And then we spent the day in San Francisco at Grandma Mary Ann's.
Beatrice had a fantastic time with Grandma. We also got to visit with Karen MB over lunch and go see Karen Loane's new apartment.
Beatrice and I drove home Monday night. She took a bath at Grandma MA's. Then we said our goodbyes to Grandma and Daddy and headed south. The first hour was pretty easy. Beatrice should have fallen asleep a half hour south of San Francisco. But no, she was content to talk and sing and not fall asleep. Then after an hour or so...we saw a cow. A COW! Beatrice then "mooed" at me for the next hour straight. No seriously, a whole hour. I think I may have lasting damage.
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