Beatrice is still teething. Two new ones are threatening to push through on top. Soon she will be a snaggle tooth. Till then we are trying everything we can think of (and all the things people kindly recommended) to keep our girl happy. Celery seems to do the trick for now. Beatrice loves it. Perhaps it was all the celery I ate when I was pregnant. Or the "celer-iererac" from Panzer's.
We did try to take pictures of her new teeth on the bottom...
On Saturday we awoke to fog and runners. Oh who am I kidding? We were up way before the sun and long before the runners showed up. The half-marathon went right by our house. Beatrice and Daddy cheered them on for a bit.
"It's November, Beatrice! It's your birthday month!!" - that was how Sarah B greeted Beatrice at 5:50am on November 1st when she arrived to take care of her when I went to LA for the day. Sarah B usually greets Beatrice with some exciting fact like this (e.g., "Beatrice! Good morning, today is just 2 days away from Halloween!" or "Good morning Princess, did you know today is Thursday!!" Very cute.)
That, coupled with people asking what Beatrice wants for her birthday, got me thinking - what in the world should we get her for her birthday? Going by her current tastes I'd recommend: celery, TV remote controls, an old pocketbook full of stuff she could chew on, a Blackberry, keys, Little People from Fisher Price, tupperware, tin cookie boxes, board books with stuff to feel on the pages, or pretty much anything else as long as she saw you using it first.
I had hoped to finish her birth sampler for her by her first birthday, but that went out the window when the reality of "motherhood" finally hit. Sorry Beatrice, I'll get it done before you leave home, I promise. That Beatrix Potter crosstich will look awesome in your dorm room. But what should other people get her? (Everyone is asking) Nothing, really. If you ignore me, which I know you will, please - no clothes, or at least none under 18months. She's in 18-24 month stuff now. Other than that? Something in a box. She loves boxes.
Finally, now that the fires have been contained for the most part, I'm back to gloating about the weather - it's November and I'm wearing flip-flops.
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