Happy Birthday Beatrice! You woke up this morning at 4:45am, in time to listen to an enthusiastic rendition of "Happy Birthday to you" from your Daddy and me before Daddy had to leave for work. You're still having some trouble adjusting back to Pacific time after our visit to Georgia (note to blog readers: pictures coming soon, I promise). Hopefully after all the festivities today you'll sleep in a bit tomorrow!
At one year, you are everything your father and I could have hoped for - fun, funny, smart, inquisitive, a good dancer...but mostly we enjoy your delight and wonder with everything in the world. Although I must say you are just so over Flat Bear.
After our very early start to the day, Sarah B came over and brought you presents to open. She says you tear paper very well for your age and should start writing any day now. I hope not. I pointed out that you also tried to eat the paper, so surely that means you are just a normal one year old.
But you are a happy child. Everyone comments on it. Strangers in the grocery store. Mothers at the park. People passing by. Of course they all still think you are a boy. Grow hair, grow!
I will miss that toothless smile of yours. We've had it for almost a whole year now. But those little teeth are cute too. Plus we're looking forward to being able to feed you "real" food, especially your Daddy. You're going to LOVE his food. You know that guacamole you like so much...Daddy's.
We had a little party for you this afternoon. You held up amazingly well and had fun with all of your guests. Unfortunately none of the kids invited were able to make it, but Ian and Laina and Josie and Sarah B made up for it, especially Ian.
And you got to have your birthday "cake" guacamole. Yummm.
Things did get a little wild at the end, but you were definitely a trooper.
At the party someone asked us if this past year had just flown by, and your Daddy said, "No it feels like it's been forever!" We talked about it after the party - it does feel like you've been here with us forever, because I think your Daddy and I just can't imagine life without you. You're our Beatrice, our Poo, our Chick-a-Doodle, our Tinkle-Monster, our Bea. You make us laugh. You make us tired (oh, so very, very tired). But mostly you make us happy.
So what do we do now that you're a whole year old? I must admit I thought today would feel like some momentous occasion. And it was. But it also wasn't, because I'm still looking forward to tomorrow, and life with a one year old. I can't wait to see your face when you see your new toys laid out on your table. Wonder when Daddy and I will stop arranging your toys after you go to bed? Or when we'll stop peering in on you asleep in your crib just so we can see you one more time before we go to sleep? Hopefully before you hit 16. Mostly I'm amazed by how much I want to see you at 1. And 2. And 16. And at 32. And on and on.
I kept thinking I'd have some amazing epiphany hit me when you turned one that I could share with you here. Maybe I'm just too tired, but nothing's coming to mind. Other than that I love you. And Daddy loves you. And that you have family and friends the world over that love you (and want more pictures!!) So Happy Birthday Beatrice, we all love you!
Happy Birthday, Bea! Hope your parents were able to locate the presie we sent you months ago. Fingers crossed it wasn't lost in the move.
To my dearest Queen Bee.. I hope you had a fantastic birthday.. wow a year has flown so fast.. the question beckons whether mama sarah will give you a little brother or sister pretty soon.. great kid.. stay as wonderful as you are.. and if your daddy forces the economist onto lemme know, and i will send many a pocketbook your way :)
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