Beatrice has a few sets of distinct smiles these days. There is the ha-ha-ha-stop-tickling-me-cackle-smile, the he-he-he-I'm-doing-something-I-shouldn't-smile, the I'm-so-happy-to-see-you-whole-face-grin, the hi-nice-to-see-you-small-smile, and now...the cheeky-I'm-so-cute-smile. The last one is pictured above. She cracks this one anytime she wants you to smile back at her. And you know what - it works. It's just the cutest thing.
I went to LA on Monday and came back on Tuesday. I stayed over at a colleague's house. She was out of town, so I had the place to myself. I slept TEN WHOLE HOURS IN A ROW! I realized afterwards that was probably the most consecutive hours of sleep I've had since August 2006. (Yes, I know Beatrice was born in November - but she was still pretty big in August of 2006 - inside of me!)
It was amazing seeing her on Wednesday morning. She was actually physically bigger. And she definitely had more hair than on Monday morning when I left. Amazing. Unfortunately she also had a few more bruises. Not that me being here would have stopped that - with walking come goose eggs on the forehead.
It is amazing how much Beatrice is Zack's little mini-me. In the picture above, on the right, I was trying to catch her while she was leaning up against the couch scratching her back...JUST LIKE ZACK DOES AGAINST THE CLOSET DOORS UPSTAIRS. Just like it. Seriously. I think this is just strange. The fact that they look alike I get - but that they do the same weird things too?
Another weird thing about Beatrice - she likes cats. I blame Grandma Elizabeth and Molly Kitty for this one. This kitty cat keeps coming around and now likes to hang out in our garage!

Finally, Beatrice has discovered banjo music - one of her new toys plays various kiddy banjo tunes when you press the green frog. Somehow that made perfect sense until I typed it. Anyway, she loves it, so I think we're going to have to get Grandpa Bill to entertain her at Thanksgiving. Beatrice is quite a dancer already! Watch out Beyonce. And her pocketbook...she loves carrying this thing around (it's actually 18mo shoes in a plastic bag with a handle), but I call it her pocketbook and she seems to accept it as such and wants to carry from here to there and back again. So cute! And then she smiles her cheesy, cheeky grin at you as if to say, "I know, I'm just so cute - right?"
Finally, Beatrice has discovered banjo music - one of her new toys plays various kiddy banjo tunes when you press the green frog. Somehow that made perfect sense until I typed it. Anyway, she loves it, so I think we're going to have to get Grandpa Bill to entertain her at Thanksgiving. Beatrice is quite a dancer already! Watch out Beyonce. And her pocketbook...she loves carrying this thing around (it's actually 18mo shoes in a plastic bag with a handle), but I call it her pocketbook and she seems to accept it as such and wants to carry from here to there and back again. So cute! And then she smiles her cheesy, cheeky grin at you as if to say, "I know, I'm just so cute - right?"
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