From the Welcome Home party at Jane's house - Beatrice enjoyed meeting everyone, including her Great Aunt Annie, and Ryan played some Chicago for us
Before heading down to Santa Barbara we also took the opportunity to toast champagne with Shirley at Benvenue. And that night Will babysat so Zack and I could go out to dinner. Ah...
Then on Sunday 15 July we headed south to Santa Barbara. Found a great "picnic" spot for Beatrice and got our first real glimpse of the ocean.
In Santa Barbara we've been enjoying the weather, the cuisine (B likes avacadoes), BBQing out back on the deck, and exploring the city
Beatrice has also been trying and trying to crawl...with mixed results. She gets so frustrated! At least now she can get up from her stomach into a sitting position.

The view from our bedroom in our vacation rental
During the week last week I finally got Beatrice out somewhere where she could play with some other kids. It's called MY GYM. Not sure if we'll go regularly but Beatrice (Zack's Mini-Me)loved the toys and the other kids. I dressed her funny though...
Yes her t-shirt says, "My Mommy Loves Me" - it was $1.49 at Target.
Beatrice also had her first IN-N-OUT experience. For those of you on the East Coast, it's a bit like Zesto's only BETTER! She charmed everyone waiting in line.

And of course...our new car! Beatrice broke it in for us. (Seriously 1 minute after we bought it she ALMOST spit-up in it, missing by inches and covering Zack's shoes instead)
And of course...our new car! Beatrice broke it in for us. (Seriously 1 minute after we bought it she ALMOST spit-up in it, missing by inches and covering Zack's shoes instead)
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