We also visited Kathie, David and Hannah today. I babysat David and Hannah when they were both B's age, so it was great fun to see them with her.

And Kaitlyn babysat Beatrice this afternoon so Mom and I could escape. We didn't go far...just the Village. Amazingly we were able to see Cumberland Island!

Hopefully Daddy will get to see this before we arrive in Oakland tomorrow night. Just to make sure he recognizes us...I've gotten all my hair cut off and Beatrice is (still) bald and toothless. We said she looked a bit like Old Granddaddy (Mama's father), but Mama assured us Old Granddaddy had more hair than Beatrice. Poor girl...it's growing, I swear! I'm sure by the time she's 16 she'll have hair AND teeth...and hopefully have gotten over this whole spitting when she meets people thing.

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