Last Sunday the grandparents babysat while the "adults" escaped for a long lunch (in between nursing sessions!) to the River Cafe. Yummmm. It is quite an entertaining, and somewhat bizarre, experience to give parenting directions to parents, especially ones who have been so successful at it! In the evening we relaxed at their flat before heading home to undecorate the Christmas tree.
On Monday Beatrice and I joined the gang at the Natural History Museum for a bit of touring - see her with the dinosaurs? As this picture was being taken a voice came over the loudspeaker, "Do not leave your bags or buggies unattended in the Museum". Guess they didn't realize she has a blog to keep updated... In the afternoon Megan went with us for Beatrice's 6 week checkup. And thank goodness she did, as Beatrice decided to have a poonami-explosion right before we got to the doctor's office. Luckily I had one diaper left (whoops) and Megan there to help!
Then on Tuesday my cold/flu hit full force, and I was out for both day and night. B was down and out for much of the day too - there is nothing sadder in this world than a whimpering little one. We spent a long time in the bathroom with the shower on full blast for the sauna effect. Good news though - we are both on the mend and by the late afternoon Beatrice seemed herself again. Me on the other hand...ugh.
In other BVJ news...Zack's new nicknames for her, "Chunkster" and "Winston" (for Winston Churchill), seem to have some validity - 10lbs 7ozs! (4.7kg)
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