Unfortunately both Beatrice and I are still battling bad colds, but we seem to be getting better, if ever so slowly. Given this and the awful weather we've been staying close to home, mostly napping - Beatrice particularly enjoys napping with her Grandpa Glen. We did escape one afternoon for lunch and a walk in the park when the sun came out.
Even though she's sick, Beatrice has continued to make some amazing discoveries this week. Most importantly - her fists. She sucking on either one when they happen to find themselves anywhere near her mouth. Her thumb is curled up in her fingers, so no thumb sucking yet. I think Beatrice likes the wonderful loud sucking sound she can make. Between her fist and the bouncy chair (thank goodness for the bouncy chair!), I can take a shower every day!
Another great discovery - her mobile over her changing table. Beatrice talks to it after she gets a diaper change - lots of cooing and smiling and gurgling. Zack and I have managed to get a few smiles out of her, but nothing like the mobile!
Beatrice's other new discovery is that it is infinitely more fun to pee when Mommy or Daddy is mid-diaper change than when fully diapered. Don't worry - no pictures of that!

Other than that we've just been hanging out and trying to get better! Beatrice has enjoyed joining us for dinner too...

For those of you who haven't yet visited, I've included a picture below of our place that Glen took - note the two minutes of blue sky that appeared!! We're in the turret at the top.
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