Given Beatrice's cold and the absolutely rotten weather, we have stayed very close to home all week. On Sunday we did venture out to visit Burak at our old place in Pimlico (Lale was in Istanbul). Not sure if Beatrice recognized it or not, but we certainly had a fun visit with him. And Beatrice made herself right at home...getting a diaper change in the kitchen and passing out on the couch with Daddy.
Zack had off on Monday for MLK day, so we went for a nice walk and stopped in at a local pub. After that is was a great afternoon at home playing on the floor. Beatrice and her monkey hung out for a while. Not sure she noticed him though...
The rest of the week was uneventful, with lots of sleeping and crying (on Beatrice's part). That and standing in the bathroom with the shower on full blast for the sauna effect. I even missed a day of taking pictures of her (gasp). I did manage to get some adorable pictures, most taken while she was talking to her mobile. That mobile seemed to be the only thing that could take her mind off of her cold and stuffy nose all week! She even started yelling at it today - GAAAA! Lots of ah-goo's and ayyyyyyiiiieeee's. Then she'll smile, followed quickly by spit-up. She's quite a kid. Very entertaining. I'll have to figure out how to get sound on the blog.

Other than that...Beatrice is still growing - I weighed her at the clinic on Wednesday - 10lb 15oz. So the midwife said not to worry too much about the cold, as it certainly hasn't affected her appetite! And Beatrice is getting accustomed to the Baby Bjorn so I've been carrying her around like that instead of taking the stroller everywhere (it is easier without the stroller on the stairs!) She's still not a fan of tummy time, but does enjoy some time alone in the mornings in her crib. And her latest trick is projectile spit-up and peeing out a good 2 foot radius whenever she gets the chance (she got Zack good one day!)

Other than that...Beatrice is still growing - I weighed her at the clinic on Wednesday - 10lb 15oz. So the midwife said not to worry too much about the cold, as it certainly hasn't affected her appetite! And Beatrice is getting accustomed to the Baby Bjorn so I've been carrying her around like that instead of taking the stroller everywhere (it is easier without the stroller on the stairs!) She's still not a fan of tummy time, but does enjoy some time alone in the mornings in her crib. And her latest trick is projectile spit-up and peeing out a good 2 foot radius whenever she gets the chance (she got Zack good one day!)
But by far my most favorite new trick is all the smiling (again mostly at the mobile), but wow...
Today we had lunch with friends in London - Jane, Cristina & Sofia. Cristina was in the prenatal class with us, and Sofia was born a week after Beatrice. The girls enjoyed meeting each other. And the older girls enjoyed a lunch out and adult conversation!
Now we're getting ready for a visit with Alexis, Amy and Adrien - they're coming in from France for a long weekend!
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