Saturday, 27 January

Beatrice celebrated her 2 month "birthday" today in typical Beatrice-style: 4 outfit changes, lots of spit-up, a few good naps, time with Flat Bear, lots of cooing at the mobile and some sweet smiles for her parents. John and Jasandra came over for dinner to help celebrate too. It seemed very fitting given that we had spent the evening with them the night before she was born. Back then we ate lots of leftover Thanksgiving turkey. (Tonight was beef stew only, as I'm still not 100% positive lots of turkey doesn't induce labor...and I'm still way too scared to go through that again anytime soon.)

So at two months, where is little Beatrice? Well, she's growing by leaps and bounds. I can't weigh her until Wednesday, but she's definitely over 11 lbs, possible even 12, given that she was 10lb 15oz a week and a half ago. And we are very quickly moving up to 3-6 month size clothes. Luckily she has tons of outfits from her cousin Eleanor to choose from! Also the "wee" one has moved up another diaper size already. I suppose it is fitting given that she is no longer considered a newborn now that she is 2 months old.

She's talking up a storm these days too. Mostly to her mobile, although she and her Daddy have started a Chewbacca/Wookiee-style talking lately. They moan and coo and Wookiee-it-up for a good 15 minutes or so when Zack gets home from work. It is very cute.

And she a superstar spitter-upper. So far she's hit almost everything in our apartment with scary accuracy: the wall, bookcases, the beds, one of the radiators, the back of the couch, every bit of me, all of her clothes (usually within 10 seconds of them going on), and Zack's shoes. Don't worry though, she helped him clean those (see photo below). But, then again, as her bib says, she does love him.

Beatrice has also been making the rounds at work. She and I went to lunch with some of my colleagues and stopped by my office for a quick visit. Here Beatrice is with Julie - both pretty in pink!

And she is starting to notice more of her toys - gumming them, batting at them, staring at them, etc. Which is good of course as she has tons of toys...

Best of all - Grandma Elizabeth is coming back for another visit!! When Beatrice found out the news she was so excited she spit-up EVERYWHERE. We are counting down the days...9 to go!
Beatrice celebrated her 2 month "birthday" today in typical Beatrice-style: 4 outfit changes, lots of spit-up, a few good naps, time with Flat Bear, lots of cooing at the mobile and some sweet smiles for her parents. John and Jasandra came over for dinner to help celebrate too. It seemed very fitting given that we had spent the evening with them the night before she was born. Back then we ate lots of leftover Thanksgiving turkey. (Tonight was beef stew only, as I'm still not 100% positive lots of turkey doesn't induce labor...and I'm still way too scared to go through that again anytime soon.)
So at two months, where is little Beatrice? Well, she's growing by leaps and bounds. I can't weigh her until Wednesday, but she's definitely over 11 lbs, possible even 12, given that she was 10lb 15oz a week and a half ago. And we are very quickly moving up to 3-6 month size clothes. Luckily she has tons of outfits from her cousin Eleanor to choose from! Also the "wee" one has moved up another diaper size already. I suppose it is fitting given that she is no longer considered a newborn now that she is 2 months old.
She's talking up a storm these days too. Mostly to her mobile, although she and her Daddy have started a Chewbacca/Wookiee-style talking lately. They moan and coo and Wookiee-it-up for a good 15 minutes or so when Zack gets home from work. It is very cute.
And she a superstar spitter-upper. So far she's hit almost everything in our apartment with scary accuracy: the wall, bookcases, the beds, one of the radiators, the back of the couch, every bit of me, all of her clothes (usually within 10 seconds of them going on), and Zack's shoes. Don't worry though, she helped him clean those (see photo below). But, then again, as her bib says, she does love him.
Beatrice has also been making the rounds at work. She and I went to lunch with some of my colleagues and stopped by my office for a quick visit. Here Beatrice is with Julie - both pretty in pink!
And she is starting to notice more of her toys - gumming them, batting at them, staring at them, etc. Which is good of course as she has tons of toys...
Best of all - Grandma Elizabeth is coming back for another visit!! When Beatrice found out the news she was so excited she spit-up EVERYWHERE. We are counting down the days...9 to go!
1 comment:
I enjoy reading your blog! She is too cute and it's really cute how you're charting each month.
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