Saturday, November 21, 2009

3rd Birthday Party

We had a very small gathering (for us) over on Saturday to celebrate Beatrice's birthday. We hadn't planned on having a real party, but she really wanted a chocolate cake with pink frosting. So, we had cake from 4-5pm. Zach made chocolate cake the night before, and he and Beatrice made the pink frosting on Saturday. I decorated the cake.
We decorated the dining room with streamers and balloons and B's artwork from school. To prep for the party, Beatrice also spent time swinging out back and at least an hour 'reading' her new library books. The girl loves to 'read'.
The party itself went off without a hitch. We had cake, Beatrice opened presents, and I did not go into labor.
After the party Beatrice had another piece of cake and decided to skip clean-up and go read in the living room. So adorable.

I'm glad we had a party. Especially glad we had it with chocolate cake and pink frosting. When Beatrice told us she wanted a party (by asking people to come to it and telling us what kind of cake she wanted), I was reminded of the story Mama told me about when she was 8 and invited friends over for her birthday (it was the Depression and she wasn't allowed to have a party, as they didn't have enough extra to make a cake). But she wanted a party and presents. I think she said she told her mother about an hour or so before her friends were due to arrive, just in time for her mother to whip up a cake. Pretty sure Mama got a spanking after the party, but she also got a birthday party out of it. I could see Beatrice resorting to something similar had we outright banned a party.

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