Monday, November 23, 2009

37 Weeks

My favorite part about this picture is that we're wearing matching striped outfits. This was absolutely intentional, of course. Too bad I don't have sparkly house shoes to match Bea's.
We're all very ready for the baby. And a thousand house guests by the look of our bathroom closet...seems I have been nesting for a while now, I just didn't realize how bad it was until I decided to organize the bathroom closet. Everything is getting rearranged and made just so. I can't help myself. Nesting! The other photo is of me 37 weeks with Beatrice. I can't tell if I'm bigger or not, certainly just as ready.
Now, I just have to get through tomorrow. So do not want to give birth on my birthday!

1 comment:

Suzzanne Connolly said...

Hay. Just want to wish you good luck, you look great. Your book designer (ha ha)