Monday, November 9, 2009

35 Weeks

I can't believe I'm posting these pictures.

Me at 35 weeks. The one with the tape measure is of me at 36 weeks pregnant with Beatrice. The tape says 43.5 inches. For comparison Zach and I had my measurements this time. 41-46!-42. I should look like a (very large) column! Instead I don't have one straight line on my body. Ok, maybe the bridge of my nose, but that's it. Everything else is ROUND.

I did realize recently that it could be worse. I could be this pregnant in Georgia:
Random stranger on the street: "Whoa girl, you look like you gonna pop tomorrow!"
Me: "Yeah, so I hear. Only 5 more weeks to go."
Stranger with the accent from GA: "FIVE? Good Lord! You must have twins in there."
Me: Sigh.
Stranger: "No, seriously, you are big, girl!"
Best part of this interchange? He was yelling from across the street. Nice. Makes me miss London, where at least everyone waited until I was 36 weeks pregnant to whisper, "Wow, luv how far overdue are you now?"


Chase said...

you look amazing! oh the miracle of life. at least labor is faster (much!) the second time around.

Laina Malm-Levine said...

you look amazing lady!!