Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Child

I haven't seen Beatrice much this week.  Sarah B took all of these great photos of Beatrice - at the zoo, dressing up and 'working' with her paint and stickers ('wok' 'ticker')
But when I see photos of B during her day, it reminds of what random people on the street often stop and tell us - "Wow, she is such a happy child"
Yes, she is.
And I'm so happy I get my Fridays with her.

Oh and a few new wonderful developments:
1) When Beatrice and Sarah B picked me up at the airport on Thursday, Sarah B sneezed and Beatrice said, "Sahwah, neeze"  So cute
2) If you ask Beatrice to sing the ABCs, she'll sing, "A-B-Cs...P...Yyyyy"
3) If you say 'Beatrice', sometimes she'll respond, "Yarvie" (Jarvis)
4) Beatrice now really plays - she will sit and play with blocks for 25 minutes in a row!  Or play ni-night with Sascha, the doll.  Or do 'tickers'.  Or even (gasp) read books.

And finally, the reason I can sit here and blog in her presence for the first time in over a year:
5) Beatrice LIKES TO PLAY BY HERSELF now.  Like actually by herself.  As in I can do other things while she does stuff by herself.  Only now do I realize how much of the past year + I haven't been able to do anything else while in her all-consuming presence.  Wow.  It's like being released from a detention I didn't know I was in...

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