Friday, October 3, 2008

"Bea a big girl"

Friday is my day at home with Beatrice.  She woke up this morning a bit scared, so we cuddled in my bed for a bit before getting up for the day.  After a few minutes cuddling, I asked her how she was doing and she said, "Gub."  And I asked her how Baby Jake was doing (she recently named her pink doll Jake, after Jacob across the street who is 6.5 years old), and she said "Gub."  Then I asked after Bunny.  "Gub" again.  Silence for a minute.  Then she sat up and leaned into my face so that our noses were almost touching and yelled "Helwo!"  She thought it was so hilarious we must have done it 10 more times.  Then we called Grandma Elizabeth and Granddaddy Bill and did it to them 10 more times.  
Later I tried to capture it on film, with limited success.
I'm not 100% sure where these pictures with Sarah B are from, possibly the Oakland Zoo or a park.  It's been a crazy, busy week.  I'm supposed to work 24 hours a week, but by Thursday at 12:30 I'd already clocked 38 hours.  I'm not sure if that's accurate, but I know I was tired enough that perhaps my math skills might have failed me (in excel, no less!).  And yes, I realized too late that I turned the camera the wrong way (AGAIN) for videos.
But today was a charmer.  Especially when Beatrice said FOUR WORDS IN A ROW!  "Bea a big girl"
Not actually on tape of course, but I still heard them.  This was after me saying for the 100th time in a row, "No Beatrice, those are baby clothes (for Ellie's baby), those aren't for a big girl like you"  Obviously, BeBe agrees with me.  I like the reverting to whining at the end.  Have I mentioned she's almost two?

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