Friday, September 12, 2008

We've Moved!

We are now happily settled in Oakland.  It only took a few weeks, about 5 cans of Raid bug spray, a call to Terminix, one call and one visit to Oakland Public Works, and a bunch of helping hands, but we're here.  And we're never moving again.  Ever.
At least not for a few years.  Having moved the last five summers in a row...summer of 2009 we're going to be here in Rockridge.  So come visit!  

We've already had a number of visitors.  Zane and John stopped by for dinner, and we've even hosted a party (for eating the rest of Jane's birthday cake).
Finally, a new favorite's Beatrice reading THE PHONE BOOK.  Wonder who that reminds me of?

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Congrats on the big move! I'm sure its feeling great to finally be settled. You'll have to send out your new address when you have a chance! We miss you guys!