So I have to admit that when I found out we were moving to SoCal (Southern California, for those of you not in the know), I thought, "Oh fun, we'll get to see lots of Hollywood-types." Not so much, it seems. The few sightings:

Beatrice has also learned how to blow her nose. Seriously. She obviously got this from watching Eleanor. She'll grab a tissue, bend 45-90 degrees at the waist, and snort into the tissue. And then typically drop it on the floor. Amazing. Not sure I understand why the bending is necessary, but I'm all for the results.
* David Beckham: I was reminded of this yesterday when I left work in LA early to come home and go straight to bed as I was ill. Instead I sat in LA traffic for what felt eons. On Santa Monica Blvd I realized I was creeping along at 2miles an hour next to David Beckham in his ridiculous customized Escalade ( He is much smaller than his photos make him appear. And no, Posh wasn't in the car. I called Jas to share the 'moment'
* George Clooney: Zack and I caught a glimpse of him when we were driving through Malibu one early Sunday morning. Ok, actually we just saw what we thought was his custom-made car that Zack had read about somewhere. Or something. (
* Anthony Edwards: You know, Goose from Top Gun. In Santa Barbara, after a jog. Much taller and skinnier than I would have thought. (
* John Cleese: In Santa Barbara at Lazy Acres, our local grocery store.
* Dennis Franz: Sarah B took Beatrice to the Montecito Von's (another grocery store in SoCal). This was during the time when Beatrice was still charming everyone in grocery stores with smiles and waves (before she could run). The story goes that some nice older man played with Beatrice and said "He is just so cute. Rosy cheeks.", to which Sarah B replied, "SHE is a girl!" Afterwards some people came up to her and said, "Don't you know who that is? That is Dennis Franz from NYPD Blue!" Sarah B said she wasn't that impressed, as he obviously couldn't tell that Beatrice was a girl. That and she'd much rather it had been Ricky Schroder. Me too!
That's it. Seriously. I thought for sure I could get a second job as a paparazzo out here. But no.
In Beatrice news, she is growing up so fast! She is already a shoes (and purse) hound. Zack found her in her closet the other morning trying on all of her shoes. She shut the closet door on him, so she could try them on alone! Here she is trying on my shoes:
Beatrice has also learned how to blow her nose. Seriously. She obviously got this from watching Eleanor. She'll grab a tissue, bend 45-90 degrees at the waist, and snort into the tissue. And then typically drop it on the floor. Amazing. Not sure I understand why the bending is necessary, but I'm all for the results.
What else? Beatrice is really enjoying cooking. She has her own cabinet of dishes. The new thing is to empty everything out onto the living room table, stir the "food" in the bowls, pretend to eat, and then put everything back into the cabinet and slam it closed. Beatrice also still loves singing "The Wheels on the Bus" - in the photo below right she is rotating her hands, which is signal for "Mommy/Daddy, start singing!"
Finally, Beatrice has started playing Mommy to her dolls. She is so sweet with them. Here she is with her Daddy's Cabbage Patch doll (yes, it's an Oakland A's doll):
Still, I don't think I'd leave a newborn with her anytime soon. Beatrice is still fickle about the whole motherhood thing (see below).
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