Beatrice is learning quickly how to be a good Southerner. Step 1 - learn how to sit on the porch and watch the world go by. Or in this case, the wall out by the driveway. After learning that you could sit on a wall outside (wow!), she kept grabbing our hands and forcing us to sit on the wall. Beatrice is way too antsy to actually sit for more than 15 seconds in a row...but she's working on it. And who knew - sitting outside on the wall is a very pleasant way to spend time after dinner.
Grandma Elizabeth and Granddaddy Bill also arrived today. And Harry came out for a nice long visit too. Beatrice was so happy to see all of them!
Especially when Grandma Elizabeth gave Beatrice her new (handmade) matching hat and pocketbook!
In addition to learning how to sit outside, Beatrice helped Mama with gardening. Sort of.
Step 2 - learn how to take a good nap:
The day started out with a bottle from Dada and sitting out on the terrace enjoying the spring weather. Oh, and Chick-Fil-A!
The day ended with Princess Baby crashing with her Grands and Great-Grands!
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