Beatrice is officially an artist now! Or at least an artist's muse. Of sorts.
Laina does amazing body prints on canvas. And what isn't cuter than a baby's bottom? The combination (and thought process helped along by a bottle of wine between us) - baby bottom prints on canvas!
So there it is! Non-toxic paint plus a protective layer of ointment, one semi-cooperative baby, 5 adults, and a quick warm bath immediately afterwards (not to mention Laina's artistic talents in touch-up later this week) - and it's avant-guarde baby art!
In other Beatrice news - she is making sounds that are starting to approximate words, largely in part, I think, to her newfound love of reading (thanks Eleanor!). The only problem? Like her mother, she enjoys reading the same books over and over and over. This alphabet book we've already read more than 20 times today. No kidding.
And she has finally mastered the sit-and-spin toy Sarah B bought her for Christmas. If only she hadn't figured out where the on switch was....
Finally, Sarah B left this afternoon for a long weekend at home. Beatrice is going to miss her! (So are we!!)
1 comment:
how are there no comments? I may report you to Child Protective Services. Poor child is going to need years of counseling. :) I love it!
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