An hour early, and just in time for Beatrice's daily morning routine (angel baby and talkative in the morning, ....and something else entirely in the afternoon). They had a great chat, and Beatrice charmed entirely (even when she spit-up ALL over Grandma Elizabeth). Luckily Mom had lots of spit-up experience with Uncle Graham, so she knew exactly what to do - duck and cover.

In the afternoon we went through all of her 3-6 month clothes (i.e., all of Eleanor's old clothes!) to pick out new outfits. Beatrice enjoyed playing dress up. She tried to eat all of her new clothes.

Check out the bunny slippers!
Beatrice's new thing is spending ample time on her tummy. In this photo-shoot she and Monkey had a full 10 minute discussion. Still not a huge fan of tummy time, but she's getting there.
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