We had a great time with her here. Beatrice even shared her room with Grandma Elizabeth. I found them talking in bed the other morning. Beatrice likes to spend lots of time in the morning talking. LOUDLY. She and Mom had quite a few good chats. Lots of smiles with the chatting too.
We also went out to Marylebone High St yesterday for lunch (fantastic - www.lafromagerie.co.uk) and a tour of The Button Queen, Mom's new favorite store in London. We found the perfect buttons for a new outfit for Beatrice. Not that she needs any new outfits for a long time! Still she is moving through her 3-6 month outfits at quite a clip. Mom and I discovered that at 2.5 months Beatrice is the same size (12lb 9oz) as I was at 6 months!
We also Skyped with Grandpa Bill...
...and met Zack at the door with a martini and his Queen Bea (don't worry Beatrice did not get to drink any of the martini, although shortly after this picture she did take a bath in it!)
Some pictures from this morning when she was talking:
Bye Grandma Elizabeth - thanks for coming all the way to see us!
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