Friday, February 23, 2007

Slightly biased?

Now I realize I'm her mother, which probably makes me slightly biased, but Beatrice not the cutest baby ever?!?

She's so much more active these days. She smiles at everyone who smiles at her (after a 3 second processing delay). She is starting to laugh - I've heard her a couple of times. She is awake and looking around constantly. Loves to eat her hand. Seriously. And drooling is a must-do. Whenever she sees me she smiles and opens her mouth as wide as she know, just in case a nipple should happen to fall in! She wants to eat constantly - which could explain why she's 13.5 lbs already.
Oh what legs...I love those rolls.

Beatrice is also starting to hold on to things - my hair, your arm when you're holding her, her rattles, everything she can get her little hands on. Still seems to be favoring the left one... In this picture she's hanging on to Daniel, my colleague from work who had to put up with me (us) on a project during 8 of the 9 months of Beatrice's ... confinement.
So is she perfect? No. Thank God. But the more time I spend with her I realize how lucky Zack and I are to have her. And how badly baby spit-up stinks.

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