Thursday, January 8, 2009


So Will babysat for Beatrice today.  She LOVED every minute of it.  "Wi-ill, come.  Wi-ill, weed.  Wi-ill,..." etc.  Poor Wi-ill.  When I popped out to run errands, Beatrice (who normally has to come out on the porch, have at least two kisses "more kiss", and then possibly even a teensy cry), was the two year old equivalent of "yeah-whatever-bye-mom" with a dismissive hand wave from her playroom.
So perhaps that's why I did this (and actually allowed a picture of it):
When Mommy did "woga" with Beatrice, boy oh boy...she thought I was a superstar!
I may actually have to take up yoga.  Beatrice would certainly join me.

Yesterday we saw Elmo playing the piano on "Ses-me Treat" so...

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