Beatrice officially loves the ABC song. We have to sing it at least 9 million times a day. She can sing the following (or some variation of this): "A, B, C, D, ...G, H,...Peeeee, S, Y...Z"
She also knows "S...Sarah" (No, I didn't teach her that - she doesn't know my name is Sarah...that is all Sarah B!)

Oh, and if it's loud, you have to cover your ears.

Z is sometimes for Zack. She does know Daddy's name is "Za-Ack" (Zack), as in when Beatrice yells from the top of the stairs, "Daaaiiieee...Daaiieee...Daaaie Za-Ack Daadie" I do find it frightening that she now recognizes letters (at least one). She pointed out the 'S' to me on the page 'A is for apples' - scary.
What else? Lots of relaxing, a few colds, hanging out, prepping for our trip, Z's fancy dinner (cooked in a pumpkin!)...

Will babysat...
Beatrice got into the tupperware (reminded me of a picture of me with a roll of wax paper...of course I couldn't get her in the photo!), and B's love affair with shoes!
Sarah B got some more amazing pictures of Beatrice at the zoo. I love the one of her riding the pig!
Beatrice and Anna have been enjoying playtime together recently - they are so cute, especially when Beatrice doesn't tackle Anna!
And finally...she wanted bows in her hair...

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