Ask Beatrice how old she is, and the reply is an emphatic, "Two!" She's been saying this for about a month, but now I know it's really true because here it is - a picture with Flat Bear!

At two years old, Beatrice is simply a delight. Everyday she is learning something new, growing bigger/stronger, and giving out hugs and kisses that make my heart ache with joy. That sounds over the top, but there it is. [Don't get me wrong, she has her moments like every almost-two-year-old, and it is probably good that I didn't try to write this after the 5 hour trip to GA!]
I have been trying to think about how I would describe the "alma-toast" two year old Beatrice for posterity - delightful is the word that I keep coming back to. She is just fun, and funny. Her newest thing is to answer any question with, "yeah, sure" instead of "yes please" - it is very hard not to laugh. She is still very expressive (the picture below is of her spotting Mimi-Kitty) and she hasn't met a stranger yet. She is outgoing and sweet. She can jump and dance and spin and run ("Bea wunning...", "BeBe jump!"). And she is stringing more and more words together, recognizing certain letters (S, Z, B), and enjoys stickers more than most everything else ("Tickers!")
We all love you very much Beatrice! Happy, happy birthday. Be good for Grandma Elizabeth and Granddaddy Bill ('Gwanma-Bill') this week, and Mommy & Daddy will see you when we get back!
Happy birthday Queen Bea! You are a lovely girl ... your mummy and daddy must be super happy to have you! Love, Andreja, Urban and baby Ziva
Hello Miss Bea and happy birthday! In case your mom changed her email address, tell her we are coming to San Francisco early April 2009! Hope to see you then! Love Helen, Jon and Daniel xxx
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