"BeBe clean" - there is very little in this world that Beatrice enjoys more than a good cleaning session. And when she gets to do it in green frog boots, all the better. She helped Mommy & Daddy, mostly Daddy (somebody has to take photos!), clean up the back and side yard. We've still got a long way to go, but luckily the amount of work is limited by green can space!
We cleaned up in time for Kelsey to come over and hang out with us. Bea was in heaven and got her to read all her favorite books (and force fed her cheese and bread for "nack" - snack)
Beatrice and Sarah B also went to the zoo again this week, and as best I can tell from the photos, Beatrice spent her time there either climbing or balancing on things.
The highlight of the past few days though was definitely a visit from Eleanor and Anna. Beatrice was so happy to have them in her playroom! Dancing. And doing stickers. She's talked of little else.
Finally...we still enjoy dressing her funny
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