Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Busy, busy weekend

We had a busy, busy weekend.  Uncle Steve, Wendy, Mary and Michael came over for an early Saturday breakfast with Megan, Colby and Anna.  Befitting our style, we hosted on our front steps.
Then we headed out to Aunt Annie's for a pool party!  It is significantly warmer out her way.  There we decided that if Zach and I ever have a boy...we know what he'll look like (Michael)
Then it was back to our house for a 63rd Street Block Party!  We even had a bouncy castle.  Wow.
Beatrice and her friend Savannah had a great time together.
Sunday was slightly less action packed, but not much. We met up with Grandma Mary Ann in the city for breakfast and a morning tour, and had dinner with the full gang over at Megan and Colby's.  The kids had a great time!
With Ellie's approaching due date (and sorting through boxes of baby clothes) Beatrice is becoming obsessed with babies.  She will now act like Anna/a baby by pitching her voice higher, saying 'Hi!' and making more babyish movements.  It's very cute.  She oscillates between this and being a mommy.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Visit to Daddy's office

Beatrice and I went in to San Francisco on BART ("choo choo") to see Daddy's office on Friday.  What a view!  San Francisco looks flat.
Beatrice traded some bonds and did some 'work'

After the office tour we visited the Wells Fargo museum, where B rode on a carriage.
It was a nice way to end the day, especially as we started the day with a total and complete meltdown/tantrum.  Beatrice wanted to put on all of her bathing suits and various other clothes.  I enforced a peeling off of layers once the bloodflow to her legs started to constrict.  This led to 10 minutes of an on the floor (naked) screaming hissy fit.  Wow.  She's really almost two.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jas visits!

Beatrice and I had a great surprise visit from Jas ("Daz") this week.  Beatrice forced her to play ring-around-the-rosy multiple times and the up/down game.
Beatrice even managed to set off the panic button on Jas's rental car.  So now all our neighbors will also remember her visit!  Beatrice impressed us all with her Farrah Fawcett hairdo (post-ponytails)
Sarah B and Beatrice also visited Fairyland in Oakland, which looked fun from the pictures, but a little odd too.  Cow cutouts?

A few notes on Beatrice -
She's almost two.  She now likes to 'share' things with Mommy, which means she gets to have some of whatever I'm having.  I've taught her that mini York peppermint patties are yummy.

So are apples.  Beatrice also enjoys the big plastic car at the park.  She'll sit in it for 10-15 minutes.

I don't see the attraction, but then again I'm not almost two.  Sarah B took this picture of Beatrice at the park.  An hour later Sarah said she had to strip Beatrice and put her in the tub and actually scrub her to get the dirt off.  Seems there was in irresistible pile of dirt nearby.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Piano works

Ryan and Chiara came up for an evening of food and fun.  We pulled out the piano and Ryan entertained all of us.  The piano works!
We also had a morning visitor - Jon Barack.  Beatrice was very confused when Jon walked it and it wasn't "Don Don"
Here she is helping Mommy arrange flowers.  Such a big girl.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Grandma Elizabeth is too hard to say

Mommy:  "Who sent you that card?"
Beatrice:  "Bill...'n Mimi"
Mommy:  "Did Grandma Elizabeth send you that card too?"
Beatrice:  blank stare

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dance Party

Beatrice went to her first 'music-dance' class with Eleanor and Anna today.  Luckily I talked her out of the arm warmers for the actual class.  I tried to get a video of the dancing, but didn't manage it this time.  Next week.  It's a site to behold.

Life on the Farm

Hmmm, to look at this blog you'd think Oakland was full of barnyard and exotic animals...not so, but it has a number of good places for Beatrice and Sarah B to visit during the week.  They went again this week to The Little Farm.

Beatrice even recognized where she was when she got out of the car.  And pointed the way.
The only problem was that when Beatrice saw the eggs with the chickens, she started yelling, "BeBe. Eat. Egg."
Look closely...Beatrice has pasta all over.  Literally.