Uncle "Gahm" is here! Beatrice enjoyed waking him up early-early this morning. We spent some good time out on the porch. And "Gahm" (whispered only) taught Beatrice how to skateboard. Seriously.
I love this picture of Beatrice's face while she's watching Graham. So intent. So happy.
Graham also helped us load up our fast-accumulating belongings to move over to East Beach. I didn't get a very good picture of the back of the truck, but can anyone say redneck?
We also visited Kaitlyn's store on the island. Beatrice LOVED it. An entire room filled with pocketbooks - need I say more?
We're moving into the house on 11th Street today, and looking forward to the start of Week 2 of vacation!
A few other funny items I forgot to mention:
Mom: "Well, I know summer is finally here. I just saw a woman in her 50s in her bathing suit in the grocery store. Why people think they can go in a grocery store in their bathing suit when they're on vacation is beyond me."
[Full disclaimer: I did go to Harris Teeter in my pyjamas one evening, but I promise my pjs are tame compared to a bathing suit and mesh skirt cover-up. And I am on vacation.]
We've decided Beatrice can only say one syllable words. Sometimes they are repeated (BeBe - herself, Momma - me, Mimi - that cat, bye bye). Everything else is turned into one syllable Dahiiee - Daddy, Gahm - Graham, Boom, Ssss - Sarah, Hi, sih - sit, up, down). There seems to be only two exceptions: Grahma - Granma and bahbee - blackberry, but she hasn't said that one in a while now.
Poor Aunt Nancy - she had to call her insurance people and tell them that a) her parked car was hit by a UPS truck in a parking lot and b) the entire front hood of Lee's truck was ripped off my a combine. Life is never dull in that household, I swear.
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