Now I understand why people typically choose a much larger stuffed animal with which to compare the growth of their child to...9 month olds do not hold still. I tried 3 different times today - once when she first got up in her PJs, once in her pretty blue dress, and once at the end of the day with Zack's help when she was in diaper only. Guess which came out the best? In the pretty dress pictures she is mostly just a blue blur. Perhaps I'll have to switch to doing this when she is asleep...or maybe I could just tie her down?
At 9 months old, Beatrice ("Wiggle Worm") is very active. She is most definitely "cruising" now, which according to all the baby books is when they pull themselves up on something and use it to hold themselves up and "walk" around it. Beatrice particularly enjoys her little table her Daddy made when he was 6 (or so legend has it).
She also seems to be in love with all kitties. Again I blame this on Grandma Elizabeth and Molly Kitty. Like her new kitty? Read the tag: Baxter. Beatrice got me to buy this by projectile vomiting on it in the bookstore. I'm not kidding. She always does this in toy and book stores, never anywhere else. I think she's smart (and crafty).
I also tried some photos with Flat Bear this morning when she woke up, thinking (mistakenly) that she might be tired enough to hold still. She does have that sweet, tired expression in some of them though.

What else? Beatrice is clapping constantly now. And doing this cute new snorting thing, sort of like what you'd expect her to do if you said, "What does the piggy say?", only she does it whenever she thinks it is appropriate (most of the time). She still loves everything small, and enjoys pincing at things with her forefinger and thumb. Screws in anything wooden are a big favorite. She's getting used to grass and now tries to pick individual blades rather than holding her foot up and looking disgusted. Beatrice is eating up a storm with lots of fruit and veg (pureed only). I don't know how much she weighs yet (first pediatrician appt this Friday) but I'd guess HEAVY, maybe 22lbs or so. I tried to measure her too - she's either 29, 28.5, 25, or 28 inches tall. Those were my best 4 attempts at it. All I can say with certainty is that she is still shorter than me and lighter, that's about it. Also that she is the most adorable little person I've ever met and that each day with her is a delight.
From the pediatrician:
Weight - 19lb, 6oz (60th percentile)
Height - 28 inches (70th percentile)
Head circumference - I've forgotten now, but it's 80th percentile!
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