Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blowing Bubbles

Beatrice has a new trick. She loves to blow bubbles. All the time - in the bath, when getting her diaper changed, when looking at you, to herself in the morning in her crib, in response to your pursing your lips and blowing. Bllluuurrrrrrppppppp - that's roughly the sound. After the sound comes a few bubbles and a nice long drool down her chin. I've tried for days to capture this on film, but the drool bubbles are elusive. And Beatrice is starting to notice the camera more and more, so whenever it comes out she stops mid-bllluuuu and just tracks it instead. Hmm, need to figure out a way around this. Till then - some fun pictures of her. If you look closely you'll see some drool...
"Oh Mom, would you PAH-LEEZ stop taking pictures of me (and let me put the camera in my mouth)???"
But good news on the horizon - Beatrice will take a bottle from Zack now. But only Zack. Our poor babysitter tried the other day with ear-splitting results...
And in other good news...thumb sucking is in fashion again...
Finally I realized recently that almost all of the pictures on the blog show sunny(ish) days in London. As that is far from the truth - a picture taken in a downpour as Bea and I walked to have lunch with Zack at work. Mmmm, wet jeans.

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